(3 replies, posted in General Help)

Dear Mikael,

Thanks a lot for the quick response! It's good to hear this since I can point my analysis with a different material model or try a different output. You really saved me a lot of time. Will keep you posted if I can find a way to show these results. Thanks again!



(3 replies, posted in General Help)

Dear developers,

First of all I want to congratulate you for all your work. Just amazing! Very nice program you have here.

On the other hand I was doing a very simple test to compare the results I have from OOFEM and DIANA and to learn the basics of exporting to Paraview. I attach the example I was performing.

For the outputs, when I choose only displacements variable and stress variable it runs just fine, but when I choose more relevant primvars and vars such as the principal stresses, principal strains, total load level, internal forces (to plot a force-displacement curve at one node and compare principal stresses). I don't know if I'm doing it the correct way since I'm new at Oofem and receiving errors. Could you point out my mistakes?

Thanks in Advance! Best Regards!