Topic: Infrastructure for saddle point problems with few Lagrange multipliers

I've been struggling with some simulations that involve Lagrange multipliers, specifically the Neumann type boundary condition for homogenization (3, 6, 9 Lagrange multipliers)

So, these problems generally look like:

[K G] [u] = [f]
[G' C] [y]   [g]

where g and C are often zero (but we need not concern ourselves with this)
Here, y, is a few Lagrange multipliers.

The main problem is of course that even a single Lagrange multiplier messes up the system, and forces sub-optimal solvers.

K * u + G * y = f   ==>  u = K^(-1) * [ f - G*y ]

G' * u + C * y = g  ==>   - [G' * K^(-1) * G + C] * y = g - G' * K^(-1) * f 

So, we need to solve:

K^(-1) * f
K^(-1) * G

so the cost depends directly on the number of columns of G. So, for my current case, with just 3 Lagrange multipliers, it's just 3 extra KSP-steps (as preconditioner can be reused).

I'm leaning towards adding an input to NRSolver to make use of block-matrix structure to explicitly solve the linear system in this manner. Alternatively, a sparse linear solver type that does this as a "wrapper".

Some concerns with the NRSolver approach (which might still be the easiest):
If we assemble the full system, then take out K and G from this system, we basically double the memory consumption for storing these temporary sub-matrices. However, our infrastructure for giving the stiffness matrix pointer to NRSolver, building the internal structure, etc. doesn't really allow us to change this easily.


An alternative is to just set up Schur-complement with PETSc. But I struggle with the details here.

I have tried for many hours of getting something useful from the Schur-complement methods in PETSc, but with no success. I'm testing it out on a relatively small problem, ~5k unknowns with 3 (global) Lagrange multipliers.
I have made use of the following flags:

-pc_type fieldsplit -pc_fieldsplit_detect_saddle_point -pc_fieldsplit_schur

(which are essentially required), and then there are lots and lots of other flags to test

Many things I just can't get to work at all, even though they are suggested in the manual. For example the option

-fieldsplit_1_pc_type lsc

is just not useable at all, as it generates an error that MatMatMult is not supported for the matrix type (which is called by PCSetUp_LSC()).

I have managed to obtain answers, but they are 10-100 times slower than just the simple;

-pc_type none -ksp_type minres -mat_type sbaij

But there are dozens of flags to use, and I can barely get any of them to work. But, there is no guarantee that there are good ways to solve this at all, since the Schur-complement stuff in PETSc assumes that there are many Lagrange multipliers.


Re: Infrastructure for saddle point problems with few Lagrange multipliers

I would follow the suggestion on defining a new sparse solver, that can solve the given specific type of linear system.
It can in principle use any sparse linear system solver to solve K{-1}f and K{-1}G .  What will be needed is the extension on existing sparse linear system solver to accept multiple right hand sides to solve K{-1}G.