1 (edited by SaeidM 14-03-2021 20:17:35)

Topic: Geometry type of 3D beam (line or composite?)

Dear all,

The geometry type of 3D beam is set to composite. (line 175 beam3d.h)

This will prevent the VTK export module to work properly.

Is there a reason behind this modification?

(related topic: http://www.oofem.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1852)

Re: Geometry type of 3D beam (line or composite?)

The Composite geometry type enables an element to implement a special export. This could be useful for postprocessing of a  beam element as one can divide the beam into smaller pieces to obtain, e.g., the distribution of normal forces along the beam. Otherwise, GT Line_1 leads to rough results since just the values in the nodes are exported.  It seems that somebody set the element geometry type to composite but did not implement the required functions for composite export.

Re: Geometry type of 3D beam (line or composite?)

Dear Nitramkaroh, thanks for your description, it helped me understand what is going on.