Topic: Lattice models pre/post-processing

Lattice models use Voronoi tessellation.

How are 3D Lattice models preprocess/postprocessed?

Re: Lattice models pre/post-processing

We do the preprocessing outside OOFEM with qhull and scripts that we have written ourselves. For postprocessing we have added to oofem a latticevtkexportmodule which exports mid-crossections of the lattice elements. We have not implemented any Voronoi cell based post-processing yet. This would be a nice addition.

Re: Lattice models pre/post-processing

gustel wrote:

We do the preprocessing outside OOFEM with qhull and scripts that we have written ourselves. For postprocessing we have added to oofem a latticevtkexportmodule which exports mid-crossections of the lattice elements. We have not implemented any Voronoi cell based post-processing yet. This would be a nice addition.

Dear Gustel,

May I understand that the network shown in (c) is exported by VTK export module and the production of figure (b) is not done using OOFEM?

What about the following figure:

Re: Lattice models pre/post-processing

The first three 2D figures are conceptual figures and not based on any data. They just show the concept of the dual networks.

The three 3D figures are obtained from oofem with the latticevtkexportmodule.

An example line how to use it is here:
"vtkxmllattice primvars 1 1 tstep_all domain_all cross 1 cellvars 2 60 90".
The cross 1 switches on the output of the mid-crosssections. These mid-crosssections where used to plot the crack patterns.

Re: Lattice models pre/post-processing

Dear Gustel, thanks for the clarification.