Parallel 3D three point bending test with nonlocal constitutive model

The 3D three-point-bending notched specimen has been analyzed using direct explicit integration. The specimen geometry is shown in Fig. 1. and used constitutive model  is nonlocal  variant of rotating crack model with transition to scalar damage.  The constitutive properties are summarized in table  1. In order to simulate static loading, the specimen loading has been controlled by prescribed displacement of transverse edge on top specimen surface  "w = 0.5*0.001*(3.0-t/0.02)*(t/0.02)*(t/0.02)" (see fig. 1), whose load-time history has been determined from requirement of minimal inertia forces. Explicit dynamic computation, 1964 nodes, 9324 linear tetrahedra elements, 7500 time increments. Nonlocal rotating crack model with transition to scalar damage has been used. Several parallel platforms were tested, results (real time consumed and speedups) are available for
IBM SP2, Win NT and Linux clusters.

Some nice pictures from the solution can be foud here.


Results on IBM SP2 machine, P2SC processors (120, 160 MHz), HPS (bidirectionally 40 MB/sec).

Results for Intel Pentium II Xeon Workstation Cluster (400 and 450 MHz, Fast Ethernet 100, Win NT Platform, MPI Pro).

Results for Intel Pentium II Xeon Workstation Cluster (400 and 450 MHz, Fast Ethernet 100, Linux OS, MPICH).

Constitutive Properties:
density 2.5  KN/m^3
Young modulus 20.e3  Mpa
Poisson coeff 0.2  
Tension strength 2.5 Mpa
Ultimate tension deformation (when tension stress vanishes) 0.0005  
Width of nonlocal averaging zone 0.025 m
Shear transition coeff 0.6  
Tension stress transition coeff 0.0  
Table 1: Constitutive properties


  1. B. Patzák, D. Rypl, and Z. Bittnar.: Explicit parallel dynamics with nonlocal constitutive models. In B.H.V. Topping and B. Kumar, editors, Developments in Analysis and Design using Finite Elements Methods. Civil-Comp Press, 1999. ISBN 0 9487 4961 X.

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(c) 2003 Borek Patzak, e-mail: