====== OOFEM@TailorCrete ====== The [[http://www.tailorcrete.com|TailorCrete project]] has been launched to develop an integrated, automated process to enable cost-effective use of concrete in buildings and structures that embody individualized solutions to chalenges of function, climate, location, and aesthetics. It applies new digital design tools, on-site and off-site robotics, and automated formwork and reinforcement systems to bring concrete technology up-to date with the potentials of contemporary architecture. [[http://www.oofem.org|OOFEM]] simulation software is used in the frame of this project to simulate the flow of self compacting concrete in complex shaped formworks. The computational model has been described in deliverables and reports submitted in the frame of workpackage 6 of the TailorCrete project. This page serves as starting point for TailorCrete partners, containing examples of solved problems and links to useful material. ==== OOFEM related links ==== * Official pages of [[http://www.oofem.org|OOFEM project]] * Direct link to OOFEM [[http://www.oofem.org/en/documentation/manual.html|documentation]], including Input format specification. * [[tailorcrete:input_file_description|Extract]] from input description, focused on flow modeling ==== Examples of SCC flow analyses ==== This section contains links to examples, with their description, corresponding simualtion inputs, and selected resutls. * [[tailorcrete:examples:v-funnel|V-funnel]] test * [[tailorcrete:examples:slump-flow|Slump flow simulation]] * Simulation of [[tailorcrete:examples:lcpc_box|LCPC Box test]] (3D) * Simulation of [[tailorcrete:examples:el_caleyo|El-Caleyo formwork casting]] * Dragados wall [[tailorcrete:examples:dra_wall_01|Dragados-wall casting]]