Welcome on Edubeam project pages
EduBeam is educational project to develop simple, easy to use structural analysis code for beam structures.
Edubeam features: At present, structural analysis of 2D beams and frames in graphical environment. The main motivation of this project is to provide to students simple environment for basic structural analysis. Students are welcomed to modify, extend this code to verify and use use their knowledge, to learn basic codding techniques, and to further extend this project. Edubeam is available in Czech and English language versions.
Why another structural analysis code?
- Edubeam is free software, you can use it for solving university homeworks, as well as for commercial purposes,
- Edubeam is written in Python scripting language, uses wx and OpenGL libraries. It is fully portable and works in Linux, Windows, or OS Mac environments.
- Python is modern and powerful interpreted language, with a steep learning curve, suitable for rapid development with many available modules. For example, thanks to numpy module, the matrix and vectors operations are similar to matlab.
How can I contribute?
- There are many possibilities, starting form code testing to actively participating in its development,
- If you are interested, you can choice how to contribute:
- Local coordinate system in nodes, combination of load cases, 3D analysis, stability and dynamic analyses
- Interested in graphics development? You can improve graphics, add 3D support, etc.,
- You can select whatever, what you consider as missing and is a challenge for you.
- Please consider telling you use Edubeam on the ohloh.net site: https://www.ohloh.net/p/Edubeam. Register and stack it. It makes the developers happy!
Why should I contribute?
- You can verify your knowledge in enjoyable way. Believe or not, coding can be funny, especially, when you can see your results immediately and you can show them to others,
- You will contribute to Edubeam open source development, which you and your colleagues can use it for free,
- You will be forever included in list of authors, you can put this into your CV,
- You can use Edubeam for in your master or bachelor thesis.
How to get Edubam:
- Download latest stable release (3.4.2) for MS Windows (XP, 7 ...)Example test01.xml. Run from a terminal if encountered problems with missing libraries, e.g. msvcr*.dll.
- The development version (in Python) can be obtained from Edubeam subversion repository, by
svn checkout http://mech.fsv.cvut.cz/svn/EduBeam/trunk
. You need to install Python 2.7 and required libraries wxPython, NumPy and PyOpenGL. The majority of Linux distributions contains these libraries in their package managers.
Edubeam language versions:
- Language version is automatically selected according to system settings. At present, Czech (cz) and English (en) languages are supported. If you want select language version manually, use -l parameter. For example >edubeam.exe -l cz will select Czech version, parameter -l en English version.
- Edubeam is free software, distributed under the GNU public license, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with File Hunter; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
You can report any bugs using this form.
- Bořek Patzák
- Jan Stránský
- Vít Šmilauer
- To Josef Kejzlar and Zdenek Koprivika (students of FEL) for help with windows porting.
If you are interested, do not hesitate and contact us.
© 2011 Bořek Patzák