Adaptive nonlinear static

Adaptnlinearstatic Nonlinearstaticparams #()
[equilmc #(in)]
[meshpackage #(in)]
[eetype #(in)]
errorestimatorparams #(...)

Represents Adaptive Non-LinearStatic problem. Solution is performed as a series of increments (loading or displacement). The error is estimated at the end of each load increment (after equilibrium is reached), and based on reached error, the computation continues, or the new mesh densities are generated and solution stops. Then the new discretization should be generated. The truly adaptive approach is supported, so the computation can be restarted from the last step (see section 1.1), solution is mapped to new mesh (separate solution step) and new load increment is applied. Of course, one can start the analysis from the very beginning using new mesh. Currently, the available estimators/indicators include only linear Zienkiewicz-Zhu estimator and scalar error indicator. Please note, that adaptive framework requires specific functionality provided by elements and material models. For details, see element and material model manuals.

Set of parameters Nonlinearstaticparams are related to nonlinear analysis. They are described in section 3.1.9.
Parameter equilmc determines, whether after mapping of primary and internal variables to new mesh the equilibrium is restored or not before new load increment is applied. The possible values are: 0 (default), when no equilibrium is restored, and 1 forcing the equilibrium to be restored before applying new step.
The meshpackage parameter selects the mesh package interface, which is used to generate information about required mesh density for new remeshing. The supported interfaces are explained in section 5.6. By default, the T3d interface is used.
Parameter eetype determines the type of error estimator/indicator to be used. The parameters errorestimatorparams represent set of parameters corresponding to selected error estimator. For description, follow to section 5.4.

Borek Patzak