The OOFEM program has been developped at
- (2010-present) Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Applied Mechanics, Division of Material and Computational Mechanics
The development of OOFEM has been partially funded by
- Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, contracts No. MSM 210000003 and MSM 6840770003: “The Development of Algorithms of Computational Mechanics and their Application in Engineering”.
- TailorCrete project, 7th EU FWP (Seventh EU Framework Programme).
- Grant Agency of the Czech Republic - Projects No.: 13-23584S, 103/97/P106, 103/97/K003, 103/04/1394, 103/06/1845, 103/09/2009, and P105/10/1402.
- CEC Brussels, Contract No. PL 964440.
- LMAT, www.lmat-uk.com, Improved composite analysis support.
(since January, 2023)
en/funding.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/24 14:44 by bp